Forward Head Posture = The BIG Problem

Posture~Pillow & Chirocurve = The UNIQUE Solution

Posture~Pillow – CASE STUDY- Postural Support


InfraBed Posture~Pillow Case Study – Client “C”

Client C – Female. 18 years old.

Client C – Fit and healthy. A frequent runner and swimmer.

No reported Pain, Disability, Dysfunction or Medications.

Some forward head posture and round shoulders.

THERAPY Settings – Ist treatment

20 minutes lying on Posture~Pillow on back.

60 C preset infrared temperature is maintained.

BEFORE – Posture Measurement Pic (left)

Forward head posture (FHP) is apparent

Head is forward by at least 1″. Height is 64″

Cervical Neck Curve is compressed.

Thoracic Upper Back Curve is pronounced.

THERAPY Instructions – 1st treatment

” Please recline into your most natural comfortable position

” Allow your Neck to stretch up and over Posture~Pillow curve “

” Allow your Neck and Back to relax, release and recurve

” Please say and stop if any uncomfortable bodily sensations

RESULTS AFTER – Posture Measurement Pic (right)

Forward head posture (FHP) is no longer apparent   ie neutral

Head is more balanced.

Height is now 65″ (increase 1″)

Cervical Neck Curve is no longer compressed.

Thoracic Upper Back Curve is no longer pronounced.

Postural improvement and curve correction can be seen.