ENAR® Training + Support – Physiotherapist Testimonial
“I have used the ENAR unit clinically for over 5 years. As a physiotherapist I have found it highly useful in the management of chronic pain. I would recommend the ENAR to other medically trained therapists. I would highly recommend that anyone purchasing the ENAR unit to attend the ENAR training in order to better understand it’s potential benefits. The staff at Enlightened Therapies are incredibly supportive and informative” Shaheena Khan – Physiotherapist NSW
ENAR®, Training + BioBlanket + InfraBed – Massage/Osteo Clinic Testimonial
“Hi Paul and Colleen, Just a quick update since Noosa. Re ENAR, Training, InfraBed and BioBlanket.
Firstly thankyou for my ENAR therapy training – super confidence building. Secondly I’ve been using my ENAR in our Osteopathy clinic and having great results for many problems including frozen shoulders, and bursitis of the shoulder and hip, and plantar fasciitis. As a massage therapist ENAR has allowed me to treat a number of conditions that my regular modality was unable to treat, in a way that I found quick and effective.
Thirdly the energy BioBlanket has been an ongoing revelation, so revivifying. Its prompted one client already to buy their own, as you know!. Finally my InfraBed has arrived and I can say using InfraBed on my massage table I have found it much easier to get some of my clients with chronic back pain off the table again after a 1hr massage” .
Samantha Gilligan Gympie QLD
Advanced ENAR + Scenar Pro Therapist Training Testimonial
“I have just completed my three day Scenar Expert Pro Level One course and I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to Colleen, who I was lucky enough to have as my instructor. She made the learning easier and fun, and all questions, no matter how insignificant were address and explained in layman terms.
Having the basic knowledge of ENAR makes learning Scenar so much more simplified, as the treatment is very similar but not as detailed. Therefore having the ENAR training background allows you to absorb the extra knowledge without the extra overload.
The Scenar Expert Pro Therapist three day course is intense, with lots to learn and remember. This course is well laid out and explained in detail. With the added advantage of the DVD to take home. Naturally practise, practise and more practise is what makes us all better therapists and I know that having this wonderful tool to assist me in helping my clients become pain free is of the upmost.
Again I thank you Colleen and Paul for all the hard work that has gone into bringing Scenar to Australia and the faith you have in us to treat and spread the word of its greatness.
Kind Regards” Judy Kirkpatrick, Remedial Massage Therapist, Gold Coast, Qld. Australia