Joy Hruby of TVS gives ENAR osteoarthritis story


Joy Hruby, OAM, star of Joy’s World on TVS in Sydney, is an ‘eighty something’ sufferer of osteoarthritis and other chronic painful problems. She has been self-treating with her ENAR Therapy device and declares ‘no pain’.

ENAR Therapy 007 TV Ad 60 sec from Enlightened Therapies on Vimeo.

ENAR Therapy 007 Sean Connery? Very funny TV Ad 60 sec – ENAR University research showed dramatic and sustained results for chronic pain relief and functional restoration. This ad features Chris De Havilland, an actor who in reality uses ENAR and volunteered to front the latest ENAR TV ads.

ENAR Interaction ExplainedD from Enlightened Therapies on Vimeo.